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What is Lit web components?

In recent years, web development has seen a significant shift towards component-based architectures. This approach allows developers to build reusable and encapsulated UI elements, known as web components. Web components provide a way to create custom HTML elements with their own functionality and styling, making them highly modular and easy to maintain.

In this article, we will explore the background of web components and introduce Lit, a lightweight library for building fast and efficient web components. We will also provide a step-by-step guide on how to create a web component using Lit, which includes an input field, a button, and an output section.



Background: Web Components


Web components are a set of web platform APIs that allow developers to create reusable custom elements in HTML. They consist of three main technologies:

  • Custom Elements: Custom Elements API enables developers to define their own HTML tags, extending the existing set of HTML elements. This allows for the creation of new elements with custom behavior and styling.

  • Shadow DOM: Shadow DOM API provides encapsulation for the web components. It allows developers to attach a separate DOM tree to an element, isolating the component's styles and behavior from the rest of the page.

  • HTML Templates: HTML Templates allow developers to define reusable chunks of HTML markup that can be cloned and inserted into the document as needed. Templates are especially useful for defining the structure of web components.


Web components offer several advantages, including reusability, encapsulation, and interoperability. They can be used with any JavaScript framework or library, and are supported by all modern browsers.



Introducing Lit


Lit is a lightweight library developed by the Polymer team, designed specifically for building web components. It focuses on performance and size, providing a minimal API surface while still offering powerful features.

Some key features of Lit include:

  • Efficient rendering: Lit uses a highly efficient rendering engine that minimizes unnecessary updates and re-renders, resulting in faster and smoother UI updates.

  • Template expressions: Lit introduces a powerful template syntax that allows developers to easily bind data and expressions to the DOM.

  • Reactive data: Lit provides a reactive data system that automatically updates the DOM when the underlying data changes.

  • Scoped styles: Lit supports scoped styles using the Shadow DOM, ensuring that styles defined within a component do not leak out and affect other parts of the page.



Creating a Web Component with Lit


Now that we have a brief understanding of web components and Lit, let's dive into creating a web component using Lit. In this example, we will create a simple component that includes an input field, a button, and an output section.

First, let's start by setting up a new project and installing the necessary dependencies:


mkdir lit-web-component

cd lit-web-component

npm init -y

npm install lit


Next, create a new file called my-component.js and import the necessary modules:


// Import Lit modules import

{ html, css, LitElement } from 'lit';

// Define the custom element

class MyComponent extends LitElement {

static styles = css` /* Add component styles here */ `;

render() { return html` `; } } // Register the custom element


customElements.define('my-component', MyComponent);


In the code snippet above, we import the necessary modules from Lit, including html, css, and LitElement. We then define a new class called MyComponent that extends LitElement.

Inside the class, we define a static styles property that allows us to add component-specific styles using CSS. We also define a render method that returns the component's markup using the html template literal tag provided by Lit.

Now, let's add the input field, button, and output section to the component's markup:


render() {

return html`




In the code snippet above, we add an input field with the id inputField, a button with a click event listener, and an empty div element with the id output.

Next, let's implement the handleClick method that will be called when the button is clicked:


handleClick() {


const output = this.shadowRoot.getElementById('output'); output.textContent = inputField.value; }


In the code snippet above, we use the shadowRoot property provided by Lit to access the component's Shadow DOM. We retrieve the input field and output elements using their respective IDs, and update the output element's text content with the value entered in the input field.

Finally, let's add the connectedCallback method to the component to ensure that the event listener is added when the component is connected to the DOM:


connectedCallback() {


const button = this.shadowRoot.querySelector('button'); button.addEventListener('click', this.handleClick.bind(this)); }


In the code snippet above, we call the super.connectedCallback() method to ensure that the default behavior of the connectedCallback method is preserved. We then retrieve the button element using the querySelector method and add the event listener for the click event, binding the handleClick method to the component's context.

That's it! We have successfully created a web component using Lit. To use this component in an HTML file, simply include the following code:


When the component is rendered, it will display an input field, a button, and an output section. When the button is clicked, the value entered in the input field will be displayed in the output section.



In this article, we explored the background of web components and introduced Lit, a lightweight library for building efficient web components. We learned how to create a web component using Lit, which included an input field, a button, and an output section. Lit's powerful features, such as efficient rendering, template expressions, reactive data, and scoped styles, make it a great choice for developing web components.

By leveraging the power of web components and using libraries like Lit, developers can create highly modular and reusable UI elements, leading to cleaner codebases, improved maintainability, and enhanced productivity in web development.


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